Winter Solstice, The New Moon, and The New Year

Winter Solstice and the New Moon on December 21st were a powerful combination. At the time of this writing, not only is it a new year in 2015, the time earmarked the beginning of a new cycle.

The solstice is the darkest day for us in north america, and with each day forward the days will slowly get longer. When spring begins on March 20th this symbolizes new growth and beginnings for us all. The earth will begin its journey for us to tilt towards the sun, and signifies coming out of the darkness and into the light. This is the time to really release what you need to in order to enter into a new cycle with less baggage, wounds and general stuff that has been holding you back. A super powerful time to manifest what you want and to let go of what you no longer need, perfect timing for the New Year recently ushered in.

I thought I would share this positive spin on the longest day of the year, at least for myself. Typically these longer days of darkness make me feel depressed and angsty. Instead I am going to focus on letting go of what’s no longer needed, things that no longer serve me. I am going to count my blessings, and look forward to the new year with opportunities to grow as a person.

Its time to end cycles and welcome new beginnings. What do you need to let go of in order to evolve? What do you want in your new cycle? What do you hope to accomplish and achieve? I’d love to hear your own thoughts in the comments below.

May this new moon and the new year be the start of good things for you. Small or big, near or far, Happy New Year! Many of us are counting our blessings and going forth with hope in our hearts for new beginnings. May this year be filled with love, luck, health and happiness for you and yours!

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The Spirit of Mantra, a 21 Day Mantra Meditation

If you enjoyed the first 21 day mantra meditation journey with Deval Premal and Miten, then you are in for a treat.

The world-renowned chant artists are offering “The Spirit of Mantra” – a 21 day exploration into the transformative power of a daily mantra meditation practice that began on May 14. It’s free to sign up and enjoy. The previous days are still up to listen.


This new program offers another opportunity to explore the deep inner peace found in chanting these ancient sound formulas. Like the first mantra meditation journey, Deva & Miten will share a new mantra every day, with an explanation of the meaning, and a guided meditation into the chanting. This year’s program includes seven brand new chants from their album Mantras for Life. The

This free streaming 21-Day Mantra Meditation Journey has begun! Join me &  register here

A few words from Deva & Miten:
Mantras make a difference, not only for the benefits they bring us on a personal level, but also as a healing balm for our troubled world. With this in mind, we have chosen mantras that help us meet life’s daily challenges, including blessing and protecting our children; healing body, mind and spirit; caring for the animals; and celebrating Mother Earth.


I am not affiliated with this site and or Deva and Mitten.

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Mentors Channel

21 Day Mantra Meditation Journey Returns

First and foremost, I know it’s been quite a while since I’ve written, I’ll address that in a separate post later, for now I will leave you with one of a few posts from my exciting things to share list =)

Back in May, the Mentors Channel hosted the 21- Day Mantra meditation. I have great news friends. Due to popular demand they have decided to run the free course again coinciding with the world tour of Deva Premal, Mitten and Manose. The 21 day program begins on SEPTEMBER 10th 2013.

Below is my original post from may since the below links etc… apply once again. I hope you take advantage of this special opportunity and join me.

Below is Re-posted from my May 4th entry on the journey:

I am someone who enjoys having things to look forward to each day, especially when they not only make me feel great and refreshed but can make me a better person. Things like yoga months, or a themed type of yoga 21 day challenge, etc… This month my “I feel great and I am excited to get up in the morning even though its cold and barely daylight out” journey is a 21 day Mantra Meditation Journey being presented for free from Deva Premal and Mitten on Mentors Channel.  Want to join me on this three-week  journey into the powerful world of Mantra? I have listed some details below on how you too can participate.


Let me start off by saying that I am not affiliated with this site and or Deva or Mitten.  I’ll be honest I was not a huge fan of Deva and Mitten prior to this transformative journey, and never really listened to their other albums. I’ll have to check them out and give them a chance, but my point is that even if you are not a huge fan of Deva and Mitten I think you will still enjoy this special gift and should take advantage of this opportunity. There’s a saying, there’s no time like the present, so if you have been putting off trying out meditation well, why not grab life by the reins and do it now?

You too can join me and the thousands of mediators worldwide as and explore the healing power of these ancient sounds. You can join by email or Facebook. When you join [for free] you get access to the daily mantra sessions as they are released. You will receive daily emails with the link to the new mantra sessions, as well as some suggestions on ways to bring the mantra practice into your daily activities.  Each day they introduce a mantra with a guided meditation, followed by an exploration into its energies and meanings. If you decide to give it a whirl you can discover how these ancient sound formulas carry us into a state of inner peace and well-being.


This is an opportunity to acquire for yourself a potent tool for healing and transformation; one that will support and nourish you on your journey through life’s adventures and challenges.

Deva & Miten launched their first 21-Day Mantra Meditation Journey April 23.  We are invited to spend 15 minutes with them every day for three weeks. They share a new mantra every day, explaining the meaning, chanting together, and meditating on the mantra’s essential energetic quality. A program of 21 days provides the possibility for real and lasting change to occur, in body, mind and spirit. They say it takes 21 days for something to become a good habit and integrated into our lives. You can register here for this transformative inner adventure.

A few words from Deva and Mitten’s site: “We look forward to sharing these precious and sacred moments together with you, with the intention of making this world a better place”.


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Healing Rhythms: A 15 Step Free Program to Relax, Relieve, and Restore.

Recently we had the 21 Day Mantra Journey. Looking at the site, comments and views, I know thousands of people enjoyed that course, so I wanted to share the newest free course offering from Mentors Channel. Its almost a new month with new and exciting opportunities, such as this, to look forward to. Like the last program I am again in no way affiliated with this and do not receive anything from them. I just  like to share things I think others can enjoy and benefit from.

Healing Rhythms is a 15-Step Free Program beginning on June 10th. The program will consist of a daily journey where you train with the top leaders from the world of Wellness: Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. Andrew Weil, and many others. Best of all, its free!


I joined, will you?

A few words from the site:

“With each step, you’ll receive an inspiration and two guided practices, one-on-one training with the masters in the field. Learn breathing and mindfulness techniques that will help you to quiet your mind, release physical tension and enrich the most important relationships in your life.

Together with Healing Rhythms beautifully interactive 15-Step program you will learn the tools to build a happy mind and a more balanced lifestyle. We look forward to sharing this life changing, daily experience with you.”

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Happy Mother’s Day!!

It’s Mothers Day here in the United States. So with that I dedicate this post, and today’s yoga practice, to my own Mother, and Mother in Law.

Our mothers and grandmothers have handed on the creative spark to us, their children. Today I honor the nurturing spirit of the mothers in my life, with an Apache blessing and wish that you have an absolutely lovely mothers day.

May the sun bring you new energy by day,
may the moon softly restore you by night,
may the rain wash away your worries,
may the breeze blow new strength into your being,
May you walk gently through the world and know it’s beauty all the days of your life.


My own Momma and my Amma [Mother in Law] have touched my life in positive ways. Today, I honor them. They have comforted me, encouraged responsibility, and embraced my unique expression. I show my gratitude by sharing my own innate nurturing spirit with others. Thank You, for your infinite love that is moving through every soul. I am so grateful.


Wishing you infinite blessings on your path.

Love and Light,

21 Day Mantra Meditation Journey

I am someone who enjoys having things to look forward to each day, especially when they not only make me feel great and refreshed but can make me a better person. Things like yoga months, or a themed type of yoga 21 day challenge, etc… This month my “I feel great and I am excited to get up in the morning even though its cold and barely daylight out” journey is a 21 day Mantra Meditation Journey being presented for free from Deva Premal and Mitten on Mentors Channel.  Want to join me on this three-week  journey into the powerful world of Mantra? I have listed some details below on how you too can participate.


Let me start off by saying that I am not affiliated with this site and or Deva or Mitten.  I’ll be honest I was not a huge fan of Deva and Mitten prior to this transformative journey, and never really listened to their other albums. I’ll have to check them out and give them a chance, but my point is that even if you are not a huge fan of Deva and Mitten I think you will still enjoy this special gift and should take advantage of this opportunity. There’s a saying, there’s no time like the present, so if you have been putting off trying out meditation well, why not grab life by the reins and do it now?

You too can join me and the thousands of mediators worldwide as and explore the healing power of these ancient sounds. You can join by email or Facebook. When you join [for free] you get access to the daily mantra sessions as they are released. You will receive daily emails with the link to the new mantra sessions, as well as some suggestions on ways to bring the mantra practice into your daily activities.  Each day they introduce a mantra with a guided meditation, followed by an exploration into its energies and meanings. If you decide to give it a whirl you can discover how these ancient sound formulas carry us into a state of inner peace and well-being.


This is an opportunity to acquire for yourself a potent tool for healing and transformation; one that will support and nourish you on your journey through life’s adventures and challenges.

Deva & Miten launched their first 21-Day Mantra Meditation Journey April 23.  We are invited to spend 15 minutes with them every day for three weeks. They share a new mantra every day, explaining the meaning, chanting together, and meditating on the mantra’s essential energetic quality. A program of 21 days provides the possibility for real and lasting change to occur, in body, mind and spirit. They say it takes 21 days for something to become a good habit and integrated into our lives. You can register here for this transformative inner adventure.

A few words from Deva and Mitten’s site: “We look forward to sharing these precious and sacred moments together with you, with the intention of making this world a better place”.


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Happy Belated Ram Navami 4.19.2013

I’m playing catch up on posts. Ram Navami was on April 19th. I planned originally to post a “Happy Ram Navami” blessings post that day, however at that time things were a bit out of hand around here. You see that was the same week the Boston Marathon bombings [a few miles from us] happened. The city shut down, the non government office I work in closed the business, and we had to work from home. My family and I are safe, unlike many of those who were at the marathon and injured or lost their lives. My heart goes out to those affected by such a tragic event.

Once stress and safety were no longer a concern, and the random April 19th National Grid power outages stopped, there were still a few niggling things on my plate. I’ve been caught up in some post vacation normal adult life responsibilities [read work, domestic goddess chores, playing tech support guru for family, and uploading vacation photos]. Anyway I am back from such a partially long unplanned posting vacation and….

I wanted to wish you all a belated Ram Navami, Jai Shree Ram. May Lord Ram shower his blessings on you on Ram Navami and always. Happy Belated Ram Navami.

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Native American 10 Commandments To Live By

Rather than call them as commandments, I like to think of them as little bits of wisdom, mantra’s or guidance. Because it’s been a few weeks since I have had the chance to share any tea quotes, I thought I would include this gem.


  1. the Earth is our mother; care for her.
  2. Honor all your relations .
  3. Open your heart and soul to the great spirit.
  4. All life is sacred, treat all beings with respect.
  5. Take from the earth what is needed and nothing more.
  6. Do what needs to be done for the good of all.
  7. Give constant thanks to the great spirit each day.
  8. Speak the truth but only for the good in others.
  9. Follow the rhythms of nature.
  10. Enjoy Life’s journey but leave no tracks.

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Giveaway Winner Announcement!

Hello Dear Ones,

It’s time to announce our winner from the Christmas giveaway . I want to thank everyone who is following me and for those who stopped by to participate in the first [of more to come]  giveaway! I entered in all those who liked the post [in the various places I posted] and helped spread the word. Using a randomizer I input all the names, drumroll…



Hey Kristen , please send me the email address to where I can send your code to! =) I do hope you enjoy the site as much as I do.

Here’s a shot of the randomizer just to show proof:


Thanks for entering everyone, until the next time. I wish you all infinite blessings on  your path.

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